Robbin Young’s Chat With Guccifer 2.0

Robbin Young has created a new blog and published a new image of her chat with Guccifer 2.0, as released in a recent tweet. While only one new image of her already released chats was just now released, the image adds to the uncropped image that was released on Twitter in May. The images are again an improvement from the chats originally released in early 2017, in that certain anomalies are not present.

The editor of BullTruth Magazine, Hannibal Moot, had taken exception to these anomalously misplaced signs when Robbin Young originally released her chats, pointing to how the “block and garbage symbols” were in the wrong spot. Moot however has acknowledged the argument that the software Young used to release the chat may be to blame, stating “The software itself is what I would consider to be the strongest argument.”

The new image released in June 2017, with a higher resolution than the image released via Twitter in May 2017, contains the date and time that the image was taken (May 29, 2017 at 8:35am). The new image also shows what Operating System was used when taking the screenshot (Windows). In the background, below the Direct Messages, Guccifer 2.0’s second last tweet is visible, which means this screenshot was indeed made after January 12, 2017, the date of Guccifer 2.0 final tweet, which would appear behind the Direct Message screen if it were closed. On the top right corner, Robbin Young’s image is visible, indicating she is logged into her account when accessing these chats.

It would be a beneficial for Young if she published a series of screenshots of her entire chat in chronological order, for the record, and if she invited a journalist or reporter to witness her accessing her chats. The question of why the originally released chat messages contained oddly placed “block and garbage characters” identical to the ones occurring in the Aaron Nevins chat could then finally be made mute.

Guccifer 2.0’s told Robbin Young that murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich was his whistleblower, stating to her that “his name is Seth, he was my whistleblower” in the Twitter Direct Messages that she has released, as reported by Right Side News.